Today, I woke up feeling good, which is rare. I had such a productive morning while I was getting ready for work. I folded the load of clothes in the dryer, and even put a load in the washer! I brought in stuff to stock our new mini fridge for my office. I even got out of the house early so that even though there was traffic, I still got to work early! I should have known when I woke up feeling like it was going to be a good day that something bad was going to happen! lol It seems like every time I wake up feeling that way, something happens! Last time I woke up feeling this way, I got reassigned to a new boss, which made me upset because I loved my former boss! The time before that, I passed out, did a faceplant, in work and got sent to the ER.
So anyway, on to what happened today. I came into work feeling good, got to my morning meeting and it seemed to go a little quicker than normal. I wasn't falling asleep by the end, so that's a plus! When I came out of the meeting, there was a building-wide brief that me & Rebecca (the girl who works in my office with me) had to go to. We passed by Vanessa (who also works under our boss, but in a different office). She stopped us to tell us we have to start staying late. Let me give you some background info...
Rebecca and I have to be in work by 6 am, go to a meeting around 6:15, wait for updates and change spreadsheets all day, send out a report around noon and go home. I don't ever complain about coming in early, because I get to go home so early. I love it. Vanessa on the other hand, has no morning meeting and therefore doesn't have to be in to work until around 7 or 7:30. She usually stays until around 1:30 to 2 everyday. Apparently, someone high up said they wanted Vanessa's office "manned" until 2:30 everyday, so Vanessa told us "To be fair, we have to switch days staying until 2:30." (as per our supervisor)
To be "fair"? Are you kidding me? My question is, if we have to switch off days staying late, can we also switch off days coming in early? I know this may seem a little melodramatic on my part. I may be over reacting, but I really don't care at this point. Everything that has changed about my work environment has been a change brought about in some indirect way by Vanessa. I'm not saying she has any ill-intent toward myself or Rebecca, but she sure isn't "looking out" for us either. I'm sure once I've calmed down, it won't be such an issue anymore, but it just really irks me. Anyway... enough with that!
I've been doing a lot of Amigurumi lately. I can almost see them in my sleep! lol My cousin originally wanted 40 (eek!) amigurumi for her baby shower, which she gave me less than a month's notice. She ended up helping at some point when I told her it was just impossible, and right now I, myself, have 6 finished and 6 almost finished (about). Between the 2 of us we have about half of what we need. She said she is perfectly happy with that. (thankfully!) I do love making amigurumi, but I feel a little burnt out! lol
One good thing is I've been posting pictures of all the ones I've made on my Facebook and a bunch of people are actually seriously interested in ordering from me! That would be so awesome if I could actually start my own tiny business! XD (<--- that's a smiley face, in case you didn't know, an extremely happy smiley face!) Well, anyway.. I guess I should get back to work! I'll post pics of the animals I have done at some point!
Happy Monday!
Chelle *