I am currently in the process of cooking my turkey. This year's turkey feast will be miniscule compared to what I wish it would be. My Husband is just so picky, and all he wants to eat is Turkey, corn & potatoes. I'm making a pumpkin pie for myself, but didn't want to go all out on food when a lot of the leftovers would go to waste. I can't wait to move back home where we'll be able to have family over or go over family's house!
Anyway, I guess i'll talk about my latest endeavor. I'm attempting to make a quilt. I really have no idea how it will turn out. I hope it turns out well, but I really haven't even started it. I think I'm going to start today, considering I need to have it done by the middle of December. It's supposed to be a christmas gift for someone, and in the middle of December, I won't have my sewing machine since I'm going home for the holidays. I hand embroidered her initial on a large piece of white fabric and am using it as the focal piece of the quilt. It's about 8x11". I'll post pictures at some point... anyway, have to go baste the turkey!
Hope your Thanksgiving is great!
Here is a picture of my Thanksgiving Dinner.
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